speakers pro
2020-06-25 21:30

Ekaterina Kalachikova

Участвует в GAMMA_PRO в качестве спикера

[RU] Екатерина Калачикова.

Руководитель Дирекции образовательных программ в сфере культуры и искусства Департамента культуры города Москвы, декан факультета социокультурного проектирования Московской высшей школы социальных и экономических наук / MA The University of Manchester, куратор проекта «МЕТОД».

Head of the Directorate of Educational Programs in the Field of Culture and Art, Department of Culture of the City of Moscow; Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Design at the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences / MA The University of Manchester; Curator of the METHOD project.

Participates in the GAMMA_PRO Conference as a speaker

Head of the Directorate of Educational Programs in the Field of Culture and Art, Department of Culture of the City of Moscow; Dean of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Design at the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences / MA The University of Manchester; Curator of the METHOD project.